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Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of Union Speech

As for me, this just shows that Obama is STILL out of touch with what America wants!!! He did not address voter's discust with his 'Wall Street not Main Street' policies which resulted in the Mass. election debacle. Obama needs to clean house - Orszag, Emanuel, Gates, Axelrod and other unknowns.


  1. Actually I thought it was pretty damn good.

  2. Jerry,
    You seem to be ignoring so much with your comment. Obama covered many sensible sane approaches. How about $5.000 tax credit to hire an employee. Main St all the way! Take the money out of what they are paying in unemployment! $10,000 tax credit for parents sending a children through 4 years of college, instead of paying the fees banks charge for student loans. How about $35 million, as part of the stimulus package, to bring rail from Portland to Brunswick! Encouraging exports, by golly I'm going to start exporting my jewelry!

    None of this is new, really, he talked about much of what he is trying to implement, when I saw him in Bangor, still running against Hilary.

    Today Obama stepped into the mouth of the lion and went to a Republican retreat and stood toe to toe with the repub congress people and had tongue duels in front of the press. He asked the press to stay for it. He's so sharp he held his own and confronted their bullshit, face to face. Like that great speech on race, where he met the controversial head on. That's his way. No bullshit.

    I agree with Anonymous, "Actually I thought it was pretty damn good."

    I'm actually feeling reinvigorated by his speech.

  3. I saw some of the clips from the meeting with the Repubs and I agree, he did a fantastic job of refuting their false claims. Bravo! And I still don't think they intend to cooperate - they are doing fine as the party of NO.
    I also agree that he made many promises that appeal to main street. But then it's a lot easier to get people on your side by just giving them money.
    I also agree that the bailout was necessary (even too little re. Reich) to save the economy. I just wish there were more strings attached. Maybe even nationalize them.
    However, I still feel that Brown's election supports my contention that he and congress are allowing special interests to run Washington; he didn't say anything to change that perception. It's like his strategy now is to hand out some crumbs, change the subject and hope people don't think about how special interests still rule.
    Appreciate both your comments!
